Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Picture Day

We went to Andie's studio today for some family photos and hopefully a holiday picture suitable for mailing.  We've totally got this 3 kid thing down now.  We're so good we're even early with the holiday photo!  Ok, they're not in the mail yet, so maybe I should back off that statement a tad. 


We doubled-up today and also went for the pumpkin patch.  It was a nice day and everything was dry for several days so, no mud.  Which is funnier of course, because it's raining now later in the evening and we had planned to go to the patch tomorrow. Heh, well..., we thought it was funny anyway. 

IMG_2557Livvie is a big fan of the cow train.  Daddy is not as big a fan.  That's my best attempt at a terrified smile.  "Bump!", "Bumpy! and "Hold On!" were pretty much all Liv and I had to say to each other for the 15 minutes it took to make a loop. 

Luke and Violet enjoyed the view from the double jog stroller.  Wide as truck but lightweight with gigantic wheels which worked out perfectly for taking them all the way out to the pumpkin patch. 

We neglected to take a single picture in that field of pumpkins.  Yeah.

IMG_2560Here's a nice shot of how cozy Luke and Violet were.  The weather was great.  They got to watch Livvie ride the train, leap at Dad, and crawl through the hay tunnel.  They're making a mental list of all this stuff, I can tell. 

Violet has turned into a pacifier hound in the last couple of days.  She knows there is usually one found in her car seat in the other room, reaches into the crib looking for them, finds them on counters, whatever it takes.

Violet has also gotten proficient at flushing the toilet.  Luke is still trying to figure out how she does it; still working on his technique.  They will both now flat out race us to the bathroom when the door is left open and they see us coming for them.  We can usually redirect their attention to Livvie's bath toys (infant-safe, mostly).  Their wee little minds don't linger too long on any single activity.



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