Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The masher and the stasher

Violet and Luke eat very differently.  Violet prefers to shove as much as she can into her mouth.  Luke is a bit more of a biter.  He likes to bite off small pieces and isn't shy about using his teeth on clothing, skin, or small dogs (if they'd just stand still).  Here's a little video of lunch today.  Apples.  Violet has got her entire slice in her mouth while Luke is demurely nibbling away.

Here's a link to the video in case anyone is looking at this in Facebook.  I just discovered that the videos don't show up in Facebook when they are imported.  I don't think there's anything I can do about that (use the "Original Post" link at the bottom of the Facebook note).  I also updated the Blogger template to try to make it a little easier to read online.

Luke and Violet are eating almost any solid food now.  They're still banned from milk and chocolate until they hit 1 year old in a couple of weeks, but they've moved past just Cheerios now (that was sooo last week!).  Just today, they've had baby carrots (steamed), crackers, yogurt, egg noodles, apple, and real oatmeal (Mom's oatmeal at breakfast - they don't really let us eat alone anymore).

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