Monday, October 13, 2008

Dance Class


Monday is Livvie's dance class.  Groovin' and Shakin' is the name of the class, I believe.  There's a lot of running around in circles in the beginning when this photo was taken.  That skirt has bells on it, of course.

After dance class there is the obligatory trip to the playground.  The dance studio is right next to the playground, so it's a little un-avoidable.  I only had to use the playground as bait twice to keep Livvie on the dance floor when she felt she had enough dancing.

The big highlight at the playground was the ability to do the balance beam all by herself for the first time.  She made it all the way across several times.  Very proud of herself. 


Livvie takes a pretty good picture sometimes.  She does need a little reminding that we take pictures of people and not chairs, though.  She's wholly responsible for the following pictures.




Livvie did a little drawing today as well.  I annotated this one a little so you could all figure out who's who.  Eyes are now drawn with dots in the middle and circles around them; that just started, not sure why.

IMG_2496 - annotated

You can click on any of these photos to see more on Flickr.  In one of them, you'll notice that she likes to draw without pants.

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