Saturday, September 27, 2008

Best Damn Race Results

I ran the Best Damn Run 10K today.  I finished in 43:44, which if you're scoring at home is a 7:02/mile pace.  It's a little longer than BestDamnRun2008-01my 5K pace, but at 6.2 miles, it gets hard to hold pace after awhile.  I had a rabbit (guy running just in front of me) for most of the race, but just couldn't catch him.  I had a nice burst for the last 2/10ths, but so did he.


Some of the runners looked super serious with their gear and their stretching.  There were only 350 people in the race, and it was sponsored by a running club.  I was feeling that I wasn't serious/good enough to push too close to the front for the start.  I'm not sure how many people finished in front of me, but I would put the number around 20.  I probably should have gotten a little closer to the front.BestDamnRun2008-02

It was a very nice course, mostly downhill, except for a little surprise uphill at around mile 5.   Estacada is not as close to Portland as I had imagined it was, but it still wasn't very far to travel for a race (about 30 minutes).  The race had an unusual start where they bused everyone from the finish to the start (one-way run, no loop).  We hung out at the starting line waiting for ~30 minutes for everyone to check-in and take the short bus ride.  It was about 55 degrees in Estacada this morning, not bad for running, but a little cool for standing.  Then, without any real announcement, some guy kinda looks like he has an announcement to say or something and then everyone is running.  Fun fun.

Next up for me is the Run Like Hell half marathon.  I guess I just like doubling the distance each time: 3.1, 6.2, and now 13.1 miles.

Pace Time Gender Place Age
28 07:03 0:43:45 25/110 7/17


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