Sunday, December 21, 2008


Michael, Papster, and Olivia went sledding on Saturday.  Michael, Jen, and Olivia went sledding again on Sunday.  And then, Michael and Olivia went again on Monday!

This hill might not look steep from this angle, but it was perfect for us.  We were on the leeward side of Franklin school which meant we weren't blasted by the wind ("it's so blustery" says Olivia).  There was also a nice arc to the hill that kept us out of 52nd (well, most of the time it did). There wasn't much snow yet, but we got plenty more in the next couple of days.


The twins haven't been out in the snow since Winter Storm #1 (we're on #3, but #2 was such a bust it's hard to count it).  They have made some major milestones of their own this week.  Violet is now signing "out" back to us which makes all of the months of signing to them worth it.  Luke and Violet are also making major strides across the room.  They are both comfortable walking and have been really showing off for Grammy and Papster (except when they need to get somewhere fast).

Violet has figured out how to put the big blocks together and takes short breaks from dismantling them to actually do a little assembly. 

Weather drama

Poor Eliz was forced to drive up from San Francisco.  She missed a connection in Dallas and basically couldn't get another flight into Portland before Christmas.  She was able to get to SFO, spend the night at Schnerbs' house, and then drive up without a problem today.  Deb decided to wait it out in Arcada another day and hope for a break tomorrow.  Cat's flight into Portland is late Wed. and we are due for more snow Wed. morning.  We are only thinking positive weather thoughts.

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