Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Olivia loves putting things together: puzzles, dresses on dolls, home-made bears (ha! another story later about that one).  She's been doing that sort of stuff for so long that I forgot about this whole disassembling phase that the twins are currently in. 

With the twins, towers must be immediately demolished, toys must be removed from all containers, and the air table is very popular for the two minutes it takes to rip all of the pieces off of it.  I know it's just how they learn, but it gets a little old picking up the same toys every night.  I wish I could remember when they switch and start trying to put things together.

It's hard to begrudge the cleaning up too much.  Every day they wake up surprised to find everything put back together (usually in a different spot).  It's like Christmas everyday!  In fact, this is roughly what their Christmas will look like this year.  We'll wrap up some of their existing toys and admire how well they play with the wrapping paper.

Meanwhile, Olivia is reaching new creative heights.  She has gotten pretty good at using each of the cameras.  Despite nearly destroying Michael's noise-canceling travel headphones (not bitter, no, not at all), she has never damaged any of the cameras and we (correction, Michael, not Jen) even trust her with the big SLR now.  She was sitting and taking the picture of Violet above and liked the way that her dress looked, so she snapped this abstract little gem (ok, to be fair, she snapped about 10 of these, but it's digital).

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