Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Olivia's room

Oops, I think it's time for Olivia to get a haircut!

Luke and Violet like to get on to Livvie's bed and bounce (no doubt emulating what they see her doing).  The bedrail that Luke is holding onto is remarkably strong (and thoroughly tested). 

We're not out of the small objects in the mouth stage yet.  Violet has been caught a couple of times this week with Olivia's jewels (small plastic irregularly shaped objects) in her mouth.  Olivia has been incredible about not leaving anything small where they can reach it.  Both times this week, the jewels  showed up in her mouth after we had other kids come over and play in her room.

Livvie has been warned about the jewels and other small objects (i.e., Polly Pocket anything) and how they will become "ours" if we find them on the floor.  Once they are ours, we leave them on the counter and she has never tried to take them back.  After a couple of days, we usually get a very polite, "is it time for the crown (or whatever object was taken) to be mine again?"  Naturally, we've forgotten the item was even present by this time.

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