Monday, March 30, 2009

No more little boy curls

Luke got his 2nd haircut yesterday.  Here are a couple of before and after photos.  He’s still got a lot of “product” in his hair still in the after photo.


It is maybe a little shorter than we intended.  I’ll have to get a shot of the back of his hair which is pretty short and squared-off in the back.  It’ll probably be a little while before he gets another one.  We both like the skater-punk, mop-top, curly hair better.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The twins at 15 months

We’re not exactly sure why the twins get one appointment at 15 months and then another one at 18 months but, whatever, they had their 15 month appointment last week.

Luke -   25lbs. (51%), 32.5 in. (80%), Head 48 1/2 cm. (81%)

Violet – 21 lbs. 13 oz. (27%), 30.5 in. (42%), Head 47 cm. (76%)

Beagle – still overweight, but she missed breakfast yesterday…


Highlights from the “Special Instructions” we get from the doctor included these gems:

PLAYTIME : Don’t expect your child to share toys with other children.”


SAFETY: This can be a challenging age.”

ah, so true.