Thursday, January 22, 2009

Scarred for Life?

IMG_3773I hope I’m not doing some sort of irreparable harm to my poor kids, but we still have them sleeping in the same crib at night.  The thing is, they sleep together so well.  The twins have been sleeping together since they were born.  It isn’t always hugs and sunshine in the crib; they’ve come out with war wounds each. 

I know it’s weird to say irreparable harm, but I can remember an attic door in my childhood home that was right next to my bed.  I somehow came to convince myself that I had to sleep up against that door to keep it shut (hey, I was young and imaginary monsters are scary).  That turned into years of sleeping up against a wall in any bed I found myself sleeping in.  I could make it a night or two if necessary, but I preferred to find my way back to beds up against walls.  I’m doing fine, now, thanks for asking.  It took some therapy and some healing time, but I’m off the wall.

What kind of harm might I do to these poor twins?  Imagine that they have to sleep with one hand constantly touching each other.  That turns into relationships where they must sleep touching their partner in the night.  They could lose a chance at Mr. or Mrs. Right just because they are a night-toucher.  The horror…  All due to their parents who let them sleep in the same crib for too long.

We need to work on getting some Toddler beds this year.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sporty Liv


Livvie loves the climbing gym, The Circuit. It is basically just a warehouse of climbing rocks.  They have a kids area where the hand-holds are a little easier and closer together. 

Livvie, Kieran, and Aiden are amazing climbers.  They scamper up, over, and down the slide and do it all over again (and again, no breaks!).  It’s pretty cold in the morning in the climbing gym (it’s a large unheated space), but she didn’t seem to mind much.  We even ate lunch at the gym when Kieran and Aiden arrived.


Here’s Livvie hamming it up at the top of the kids area.


The camera started freaking out at one point.  I was afraid the bubble-effect below was permanent, but it came back to normal later.  I don’t know what the bubbles are about.  Condensation on the inside of the lens maybe?  Very strange.  It sort of looks like it’s snowing or raining in the gym, but I can assure you it is not.





A couple of days later, Liv, Jen, Cat went bowling.  Livvie announced that she was “all done” after 3 frames.  We let her choose to go bowling or swimming and she picked bowling, go figure.

We put a short, bowling video up on Youtube

