Luke and Violet had their 4 month dr. appt. yesterday. Violet is 9 lbs. 5 oz. and Luke is 14 lbs. 8 oz.
Violet gets to enjoy rice cereal in her formula now in order to help put on a few more pounds. She is already pretty sloppy with the #2 nipples, so moving to #3's (in order to get the cereal through) is probably going to be a high holy mess for awhile. The doctor also wants to double the gerd medicine she is on again. We didn't get a marked improvement the last time we doubled it, but we are going to try it for a little longer this time.
Violet is also going to the chiropractor in mid-April. There are claims that they can improve the reflux symptoms. As a backup, we are going to make an appointment with a GI doctor (which can take 2-3 months just to get an appt.).
Luke is doing great. He had his dose of zantac increased because he will still spit up more than he should during some feedings. He's not as sloppy an eater as his sister and he wants to eat more than she does, so he is outpacing her in the weight gain.
They both have really good head control. It gets wobbly as they get tired which happens after about 10 minutes of holding it up on their own. I've got a couple of nude pictures of Luke to post soon where he is on his belly holding his head up.
They are both doing lots of smiling. The doctor calls it "social" behavior. I say it's one of the things keeping us going and continuing to try to feed them.